Camp1 FAQs

Camp Format

Where is camp and how do I get there?

College of Dupage, 425 Fawell Blvd, Glen Ellyn, IL 60137

Camp1 2024 will be held at the College of Dupage Physical Education Center which is located on the Southeast corner of campus and accessible on College Road between Lambert Rd on the West and Park Road (53) on the East. Enter through door 1 of Physical Education Center (PEC) building. Parking lot adjacent to the Stadium.

How do I register my child?

You can click on the registration link on this page and it will take you to the initial online registration. You can then download all of the required forms and send them with your $100 deposit to reserve your camper spot. Final payment will be due on May 15th, 2024.

What completed paperwork is required?

Once you submit the initial online form then you can download from the forms page these documents and mail to the address listed on the form.

Do you have to have T1D to be a camper?

No and we encourage siblings to join Camp1!

What is the age range of campers?

Camp1 ages are 5–14. Groups will be broken into grades K–1, 2–3, 4–5 and 6–7. Ages 13 and 14 will be advanced campers and Counselors in Training (CIT.) They will need to register as campers.

What is a typical day at camp?

You can see the general schedule on our About Camp page. Each day will have super fun outdoor, athletic, creative, and educational activities!

What does the cost of camp include?

Camp1 will be in session from 9am–1pm Monday–Thursday and 9–12pm on Friday. The cost includes camp for those times, a t-shirt and a sling bag and family/caregiver orientation.

Is financial aid available?

Yes. Financial applications are due online by April 22, 2024 and each case will be evaluated on a case by case basis.

What should I bring to camp? What diabetes supplies will I need?

Each day the campers should wear their camp shirt with comfortable shorts or pants and athletic shoes (no sandals) and bring their lunch in a brown bag with carbs written on the outside with the camper’s name and carbs for all lunch contents.

Campers may either place their lunch and diabetes supplies in their sling bag or bring an additional backpack with those items. Sling bags will be used when hiking around campus.

What is Camp1 cancellation policy?

Final payment are due on May 15th, 2024. All forms are due at the latest 10 days before Camp1 starts.

Will my child be checking blood sugars throughout the day?

ABSOLUTELY! The medical volunteers and group leaders will be monitoring blood sugars throughout the day and actual blood sugar checks will take place at lunch and when needed or discussed with the medical staff at orientation and drop off each day.

Can I follow my child on the CGM?

Cell phones may be used in conjunction with the CGM but please bring a receiver if available. Yes you may follow your child this year at Camp1.

Is orientation required?

Yes orientation is required as this is where you will meet your counselors, receive your shirts and sling bags and share your T1D insight with staff.

What can parents do all day?

Caregivers and parents and family members are invited to participate in a casual community chat led by a volunteer or speaker from roughly11:30-12:30pm Monday–Thursday of Camp1. We encourage all caregivers to attend these casual coffee sessions and be inspired by each other and it will also allow you to bolus your Camper for lunch. After all, Camp1 was born from a connection a few moms made when their grown kids were little in 2009!

Can I watch my child at camp?

You are welcome to watch from a far, but we ask that you not participate with your Camper.

Should I change any food or nutrition choices around camp?

You should discuss food or nutrition changes with your T1D’s Endocrinologist. Camp will be super fun for your Campers and increased activity and/or mental engagement could change blood sugar patterns during the week and at night.

What kind of lunch will be served?

Each camper will be responsible for bringing their own lunch in a brown bag with their names and carb counts written on the bag in Sharpie.

What if my child has food allergies?

Please indicate the allergies on the registration forms and let the medical volunteers know at Orientation and each morning at drop off. Please pack the lunch that is suitable for your camper!

My child has other medications that he/she needs to take; how will they be administered? What medications need a doctor’s order?

Please indicate the other medications on the registration forms. Camp1 Staff and Volunteers will not be administering any medications during camp this year.

How do campers and parents communicate while at camp?

The idea is that campers and parents or caregivers get a break from each other during camp! The duration is four hours and you will be able to talk with staff and volunteers about your T1D management. We also encourage you to let us know at drop-off any important information about the previous night or the mornings.

Can parents call to inquire about their camper during the session?

Yes and we will have a phone number accessible to call.

Do campers need spending money at camp?

No. Camp1 will not be responsible for any money that comes to Camp1 in backpacks.

Can I volunteer at camp?

YES! Please sign up here

When should I arrive at camp and where do I go?

You may arrive to the large and accessible parking lot off of College Drive at College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn. Once parked you may enter Door 1 and inside you will see Camp1. Check in will be 8:45am–9:15am latest!

What is the pick-up policy and can someone else get my camper?

Pick up is at the same location as drop-off each day. If someone different from drop-off will be picking up your Camper, please let us know each morning. We will require driver’s license proof of identity for all individuals picking up Campers.